How to Delete a Facebook Page: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Deleting a Facebook page is a permanent action that requires careful consideration. Once deleted, all of the page’s content, followers, engagement, and history will be removed.

In this complete guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about deleting a Facebook page, including:

  • What happens when you delete a Facebook page
  • The prerequisites for deleting a page
  • Step-by-step instructions for deleting a page on desktop and mobile
  • Alternatives to deleting like unpublishing and merging
  • How to download your page data before deleting
  • Recovering a deleted page within 14 days

By the end, you’ll have a full understanding of how to permanently delete a Facebook page, as well as other options if you don’t want to delete it just yet. Let’s get started!

An Overview of Deleting a Facebook Page

Before diving into the step-by-step instructions, it’s important to understand exactly what happens when you delete a Facebook page.

Here are the key facts about deleting a Facebook page:

  • You must be an admin of the page to delete it. If you don’t have admin access, you cannot delete the page.
  • The page is unpublished immediately. As soon as you initiate the deletion, the page is unpublished and removed from public view.
  • The page is permanently deleted after 14 days. Facebook gives you a 14-day window to cancel the deletion. After 14 days, it is gone forever.
  • All content is deleted. When the page is permanently deleted, all posts, photos, videos, comments, and data are erased.
  • Followers and likes are removed. Any followers or likes associated with the page are permanently lost.
  • You can download data before deleting. Facebook allows you to download your page data for backup before permanent deletion.
  • You have 14 days to cancel the deletion. You can recover the page within 14 days of initiating deletion. After that, it is gone for good.

With this context in mind, let’s go through the step-by-step process for deleting a Facebook page on both desktop and mobile.

Prerequisites for Deleting a Facebook Page

Before going through the deletion process, make sure you have completed these prerequisites:

  • You are an admin of the page. You cannot delete a page unless you are an admin. If you are not already an admin, you will need the current admin to add you.
  • Download any important data. Download the page data, images, or videos you want to save. Once deleted, they will be gone.
  • Notify followers. Let your followers know you are deleting the page so they are not surprised when it disappears.
  • Remove other admins. Delete any other admin users so they don’t still have access after you delete the page.

Completing these prerequisites ensures you don’t lose anything important and that the page completely disappears once deleted.

Step-by-Step: How to Delete a Facebook Page on Desktop

Ready to delete your Facebook page? Here is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to delete a Facebook page using the desktop website:

1. Go to and Log In

  • Navigate to and log into your account using your email and password.
  • Make sure you log in with an account that has admin access to the page you want to delete.

2. Click “Pages” on the Left Sidebar

  • From your News Feed, click on the “Pages” link in the left sidebar menu.
  • This will bring up a list of all the pages associated with your account.

3. Select the Page You Want to Delete

  • Scroll through the list of pages and click on the name of the page you want to delete.
  • This will take you to the page itself. Make sure you have the right page selected.

4. Click on “Settings” on the Left Sidebar

  • With the page open, click on “Settings” in the left sidebar menu.
  • This will open the settings menu for the page.

5. Click on “Remove Page”

  • In the settings menu, scroll down and click on “Remove Page” under the General tab.

6. Select “Permanently Delete [Page Name]”

  • This will open a confirmation window. Select “Permanently delete [page name]”.
  • Make sure the page name listed is the one you want to delete.

7. Confirm the Deletion

  • A notification will appear informing you that the page will be deleted in 14 days.
  • Click the “Delete” button followed by “OK” to confirm the permanent deletion.

And that’s it! The page is now scheduled for deletion. You will have 14 days to restore it before it is gone forever.

Following these seven steps will allow you to successfully delete a Facebook page using the desktop website.

Step-by-Step: How to Delete a Facebook Page on Mobile

You can also easily delete a Facebook page right from the mobile app. Here is how to delete a page on the iOS or Android app:

1. Open the Facebook App and Log In

  • Launch the Facebook app on your iPhone or Android device.
  • Log into your account using your email/phone and password.

2. Tap the Menu Icon

  • Tap on the menu icon (the three horizontal lines) in the bottom right on iOS or the top right on Android.

3. Select “Pages”

  • In the menu, scroll down and select “Pages”. This will show you a list of all your pages.

4. Tap the Page You Want to Delete

  • Browse the list of your pages and tap on the name of the one you want to delete.

5. Tap the Settings Icon

  • With the page open, tap on the Settings icon (shaped like a gear) in the top right.

6. Select “Remove Page”

  • In Settings, scroll down and select “Remove Page” under the General tab.

7. Tap “Permanently Delete [Page Name]”

  • This will open a confirmation window. Tap “Permanently delete [page name]”.

8. Confirm the Deletion

  • A notification will appear informing you of the 14-day deletion period.
  • Tap “Delete” followed by “OK” to confirm the permanent deletion.

Following these eight steps will allow you to successfully delete a Facebook page right from your mobile device.

Alternatives to Deleting a Facebook Page

If you aren’t quite ready to permanently delete your Facebook page, there are a couple of alternatives to consider:

Unpublishing the Page

Rather than fully deleting a page, you can unpublish it. This removes the page from public view but preserves the content.

To unpublish a page:

  1. Go to the page and click Settings.
  2. Under General settings, click Page Visibility.
  3. Select Unpublished and click Save.

You can easily make the page public again anytime.

Merging the Page with Another

If you have multiple similar pages, you can merge them together. This transfers the content and followers of one page to another.

To merge Facebook pages:

  1. Go to the page and click Settings.
  2. Under General settings, click Merge Pages.
  3. Select the pages to merge and click Request Merge.

With these options, you can remove unwanted pages without having to permanently delete them.

What to Do Before Deleting a Facebook Page

Before hitting that final delete button, there are a few things you should do:

  • Download Your Page Data – Download a copy of your page content that you want to save. You can do this in Settings under General.
  • Remove Other Admins – Delete any other administrators so they don’t still have page access after you delete it.
  • Notify Followers – Let your followers know you are deleting the page so they aren’t surprised.
  • Cancel Any Ads – Go into Ads Manager and cancel any active ads or promotions associated with the page.

Taking these pre-deletion steps ensures you don’t lose anything important and ties up any loose ends.

Recovering a Recently Deleted Facebook Page

If you change your mind after initiating the deletion, you have 14 days to restore the page. To do so:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Go to Settings > Privacy > Your Facebook Information.
  3. Click View next to Reactivation.
  4. Click Reactivate next to your page.

This will instantly make the page public again as long as it is still within the 14-day window since you started the deletion.

However, after 14 days have passed, there is no way to recover a deleted Facebook page. The page and all its data will be permanently erased. So be absolutely certain before you delete.

Frequently Asked Questions About Deleting Facebook Pages

Here are answers to some common questions about deleting Facebook pages:

How do I delete a Facebook page I no longer admin?

You must be an admin of a page to delete it. If you are no longer an admin, you will need to request the current admins add you back as an admin or have them delete the page for you.

What happens to my page content if I delete my Facebook page?

All content including posts, photos, videos, and comments will be permanently deleted. Make sure to download anything you want to save beforehand.

Can I delete a page on behalf of my business?

Yes, as long as you are an admin user on the Facebook page representing your business, you can delete that business page.

If I delete my Facebook page, will I lose Facebook Messenger?

No, deleting your Facebook page does not affect your personal Facebook profile or Messenger app. You only lose messages associated specifically with that page.

How do I notify my followers I’m deleting my page?

You can post an announcement on the page letting users know it will be deleted soon and recommending they follow your new or alternate page if you have one.

In Summary

Deleting a Facebook page means permanently removing it along with all its content, followers, and data. While it can provide a fresh start, it’s not a decision to take lightly.

Hopefully, this complete guide has equipped you with a full understanding of how to delete a Facebook page. Just remember:

  • You must be a page admin to delete it.
  • The page is unpublished immediately but can be restored for 14 days.
  • After 14 days, the page and its content are gone forever.
  • Always download important data before deleting it.
  • You can unpublish or merge a page if you don’t want to fully delete it yet.

With the knowledge from this guide, you can confidently delete your Facebook page when the time is right. Thanks for reading and let me know if you have any other doubts in the comment section!

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